HGA 莘荷生醫致力於生物科技,專注於醫美後重建和保健品的研發與提供。我們以專業團隊和豐富經驗,在醫美市場設定卓越品質標準,不斷創新,贏得顧客信賴和好評。 隨著科技進步和健康意識提高,HGA 將以創新技術和產品,滿足市場需求,並將護膚及保健品推向新高峰。COVID-19 影響讓我們重新評估業務模式,踏入新階段,定位成美容保健品為主要產品導向,身體內外保健多個層面

HGA is dedicated to biotechnology, focusing on research and provision of medical aesthetics and health products. With a professional team and extensive experience, we set exceptional quality standards in the medical aesthetics market, continually innovate, and earn customer trust and acclaim. As technology advances and health awareness increases, HGA will meet market demands with innovative technologies and products, propelling skincare and health products to new heights. The impact of COVID-19 has led us to reevaluate our business model, entering a new phase where our primary product focus is on beauty and health supplements, addressing various aspects of internal and external well-being.
In this transformation, we are rebranding our image to align more closely with the aesthetics and medical beauty sector. This includes adjusting our color scheme and softening the overall font design, incorporating more flexible curved elements to better align with consumer aesthetic preferences.